Heartland Physiotherapy

Acupuncture Pain Theory

Acupuncture Pain Theory

Finding Relief: How Successful is Acupuncture for Pain?

Daily living and a person’s general health can be severely compromised by chronic pain. Some individuals turn to other methods because they are not satisfied with the current pain treatment methods that conventional medicine offers. Acupuncture for pain is an alternative medical technique that some individuals have increasingly adopted. Is it working?” Research on Acupuncture …

Finding Relief: How Successful is Acupuncture for Pain? Read More »

acupuncture pain theory

Acupuncture pain theory: How does it work?

Acupuncture, a practice rooted in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), has intrigued and mystified for centuries. While its needles might seem like a simple prick, the reported pain relief it offers is anything but basic. But what is the ideology behind the acupuncture pain theory? How exactly does acupuncture work? Modern science is still unraveling the …

Acupuncture pain theory: How does it work? Read More »

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