Is relieving pain with acupuncture service in Mississauga possible? It may be unknown to you, but the fact is that it is possible. Pain is one of the leading causes of human suffering, and although it is a protective response of the body, it results in undesirable effects when not controlled. Both acute and chronic pain generate disabilities, compromise quality of life and have severe psychosocial and economic consequences.
The occurrence of pain is the main reason why 70% to 80% of people seek health services. There are ways to control it, but relieving pain with acupuncture service in Mississauga is a much more straightforward and holistic approach available today.
Differentiate Between Acute And Chronic Pain
Acute pain is a protective response of the body to harmful stimuli that follows a tissue injury and is temporally limited – when the injury heals, the pain stops. Chronic pain, in turn, is defined as pain that persists beyond the average healing time or is associated with chronic diseases for over three months. Relieving pain with acupuncture service in Mississauga is not a myth but a proven fact. The holistic approach taken by a professional acupuncturist can treat, manage, and prevent both acute and chronic conditions.
No Pain Left Untreated!
Untreated pain causes a lot of suffering to affected individuals without distinction. Every effort must be made to promote effective treatment, and acupuncture, besides treating the root of the problem, will also treat any other disorders caused or not caused by pain. However, relieving pain with acupuncture service in Mississauga demands a proper assessment of the condition, as each case is unique.
Both acute and chronic pain can be alleviated with steroids and pain-killing drugs. However, it will not treat the root of the problem. Traditional medicines often cause drug dependence and produce side effects. On the other hand, acupuncture is a painless, non-invasive approach which doesn’t cause side effects. Yes, surgery is not the only option. Relieving pain with acupuncture service in Mississauga is a reality if you start earlier!
Chinese Belief In Pain And Energy
According to TCM, most pain conditions originate from an obstruction of the free flow of energy (QI), together with an obstruction of the free flow of blood. When pain appears, it indicates where a specific obstruction occurs, except in trauma cases. Acupuncture is effective in treating both acute and chronic pain, reducing the need for medication, providing analgesia and relaxation, promoting the release of analgesic and anti-inflammatory Opioids, endorphins, and serotonin, producing homeostatic effects and psychologically harmonizing the individual. Relieving pain with acupuncture service often includes other techniques such as laser, cupping, Moxibustion, Chinese massage, and reflexology.
Did you find it interesting how relieving pain with acupuncture service in Mississauga is possible? So, what are you waiting for? Kindly visit Heartland Physiotherapy and learn how acupuncture is done. Your mind and body will thank you.